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Sections 178 to 184 of The Elections Act (EA) and section 99 of The Election Financing Act (EFA) describe the specific offences under Manitoba's election laws.
Additionally, both Acts provide that it is an offence to contravene or fail to comply with any provision of the Acts or Regulations not specifically listed as an offence.
Specific offences under the EA are organized into five categories:
Specific offences under the EFA include:
A person who is guilty of an offence under The Elections Act is liable on summary conviction to a fine or to imprisonment, or to both. A person who is guilty of an offence under The Election Financing Act is liable on summary conviction to a fine.
The dollar amount of the fine and/or term of imprisonment depends on the particular offence. Guidelines are included in The Elections Act in section 185, and in The Election Financing Act under section 100 (1-3).